Sunday 20 July 2008

International Youth Leadership Conference - Day 1

Today I woke up at 8:15am to find myself late for the prague tour. When I went down for breakfast, I was still in time as the girls delayed the trip till 9am. So, at 9am we departed for Charles Bridge with 2 Brits, 2 Pakistanese, 3 Indonesians, 1 Singaporean and 1 American.

The trip was fantastic and the places were beautiful. But as usual the girls were so keen on taking pictures so we had to stop every 5 steps forward to say ''cheesseee'' or for me I would say '' sexxxx''. ^_0

We walked on Charles Bridge and went to Prague Castle. The castle was huge and it was absolutely amazing. The queue into the castle was comparable to the length of the Great Wall of China. Ok... thats too much but anyway there was a long queue so the girls decided to go shopping instead. The guys?? how boring... we went to mcdonalds for lunch and went straight back to the hotel after lunch.

We registered at the conference venue at 5pm and the first activity started at night, meeting members of my group and discussing issues bout Kosovo's independence. Our night ended in a pub and I went to sleep at 2am.

1 comment:

ME??? said...

When u coming back to Cempaka?

>>>>>>>So i herd u liek Mudkipz>>>
Chun Kit