Tuesday 4 May 2010

Charity Night!

This post is overdue and i shall post about it right now!

Last friday was our Warwick Malaysian Association's charity night. So besides the traditional charity thingy this time we had a large chunk of it taken up by human auction. Human auction is an event where you put your friend up for auction and the highest bidder would be allowed to instruct the friend to do random stuff that was agreed on.

I was the 1st successful bidder, splashing a tiny amount of £9 for our incoming MSA president - Paul Yung to wax his legs. Followed up we had very exciting bids and successfully secured by

Clement - £43 for jasmin's lap dance,
Mingyi - £30 blind date with yee eng,
Paul Yung - £10 blind date with Min Hao
Ken Tan - £12 for Yumin to be his one-day-slave,
Tarwarna - £25 for hazim and kaishen to have a duet while one sits on another's lap,
Mingyi - £70 a 15sec kiss on the cheek by yee eng.

Those are as far as I could remember. I had a lot of fun too cause i managed to snatch

Paul Yung - £9 to wax his legs,
Hui Qi - £20 to be my swimming instructor,
Nicole Lim - £45 for a date.

And one thing to mention is that I loved Hazim's asam laksa. It was really nice. Feels like home's cooking. I really enjoy the night and hope the donation proves to be useful for the recipients of donation in Palestines.


ym said...

hoho you didn't mention that you also had to dye your hair pink xD

tkchenry said...

OMGGGGGG nonono nobody will know about it!!!