Wednesday, 2 January 2013

What is the right question?

Being alive for 11978100 minutes, it has finally caught my mind that I had been missing out on numerous key questions. I’m trying hard to answer those questions but looks like it would only be answered in another 47912400 minutes.

What is life about? This question is almost as cliché as Adidas tagline – Nothing is impossible. I’m not interested in this topic as it offers little practical stance and is a weak motivational tool. So what is the question in my mind now? The possibility of nothing is impossible could be a possible question and we shall come to that shortly.

I have been lucky throughout my life and I have always held the thought that I would be blessed until I sleep tight in my coffin. Am I right to assume that I was assigned by God to this space and time to achieve something hence deserving the blessing or is it all down to the hard work I laid down over the years? I have to admit that I’m currently in the biggest dump since birth. It didn’t happen overnight. It was accumulated in these few recent unproductive years. Let’s take option A, if I do believe that all these are part of God’s guide to life to me, should I be worried of my current situation?

Let’s take option B now. Does effort mean reward? I was looking into the dark sky and wandered at the bright shiny stars. Those stars didn’t feel far from me at all, but to know that the light from it travelled over hundred million years to be witnessed by my naked eyes, it felt truly astonishing. I would like to draw parallels of this scenario with the tagline nothing is impossible to provide the base to take on option B. Surely, for something to take a few hundred million years to travel to its destination is definitely near impossible, or at least, impossible for humans. But the fact is it happened. The impossible could be possible. For us humans, we always have similar taglines to push ourselves to the limits. To achieve the impossible, the power of the human soul is called in and often backed by the tagline – there’s a will, there’s a way. We humans would never doubt our souls, but the will. The soul provides us the energy and power to achieve the impossible, and it relies on the will to unlock the soul’s unlimited potential. The result of will is effort and the result of effort is reward.
The sequence is therefore Soul -> Will-> Effort -> Reward

The equation makes sense? It should, but I no longer believe in it. Laying out possibly the most generous amount of trust, passion and love I could ever offer for the past 7 years, I ended up with a never-attainable imagination. Hurt, learning it the hard way, I stopped believing effort. Instead of achieving my reward, it became my own enemy. The cliff that I piled with my effort, made me fall deeper in the sea of depression.

Now, I happened to be at the crossroad where I was before. Should I give effort a chance to redeem itself or should I follow what my lesson taught me?

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