Thursday 8 May 2008

43 days ---> malaysia

I started counting down today. 43 days left. I hope its a good number because one of my houses number is 43. I swear when i get back to Malaysia I will surely visit 3jc for its wonderful curry noodles then kl hilton dim sum at chyna then japanese buffet at pj hilton and dragon i with sher min. i just cant wait till i get back. yeahhhhh, 434343434343434343 dayssssss....................

Just now I suddenly felt like drinking milk. Then i went to search for milk in the fridge but i wonder why it was frozen. So i had to pressed so hard to squeeze a little by little and finally i had half a cup of milk. Then after that I left it on the table unattended and continued writing my essay to be sent to prague, czech republic. Then when i slided my laptop onto the table without realising the cup there, it just knocked the cup off. And my precious £1 milk went diving down onto the floor. sigh my wasted effort. it fell on carpet sumore. how to clean laaaa???

Frozen milk

Me squeezing milk out...

And this is what annoyed me... :(

Sigh... im gonna be so dead next week. AS history unit 3 on monday 9am. tuesday mock exams 6 60mins papers. that is a total of 6hours of exams per day. gosh am i still gonna be alive after that? wed 5hours of mock exams... its gonna drive me insane!

Look at all the 60s...

dead dates.


I. said...

Why don't you just put the milk in the microwave oven for a few minutes?

tally said...

omg.... wow... yeah... like the other person said... just put the milk in the microwave for a few minutes...

and dont tell me u drank the gross shit milk... eeewwww

read my blog oso... leave comments..


tkchenry said...

ya... i felt so stupid...
so not me. lol

tally said...

yeap .. great big dumbo.... hahaha...
just kiddin.... and i cant believe u r going to prague... FFFFFUCK ....